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Gifted & Talented

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Orange County Public Schools: Division Plan for Gifted Services

It is the mission of the Orange County Public School System to properly identify and provide appropriate educational
services to gifted learners among all ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups.
Gifted students are those who exhibit exceptional ability at a level such that differentiated educational opportunities
must be provided to meet their instructional needs. The Orange County Public School System understands the need and

  • is committed to:
  • identifying the gifted learner
  • providing a differentiated K-12 curriculum
  • staffing with certified individuals who are knowledgeable concerning the needs, interests and abilities of gifted
  • learners and providing them with professional development
  • providing opportunities for dialogue among parents, staff and community

Identification of Specific Academic Aptitude: English and Mathematics

Students may be referred for the gifted program in grades 2‐12 by a member of the school staff, an administrator, a
parent, another student, community members, or by the student him/herself. Students must be enrolled in Orange
County Public Schools to be considered for referral to the Academic Gifted Program.

Beginning in kindergarten, student performance will be monitored. In the spring of second grade, eligible students will
demonstrate outstanding strength in English and/or Mathematics through norm-referenced achievement tests, reports
from teachers and parents, and examples of student work. Documentation will include evidence that the student is
performing significantly above his/her same age peers in English or Mathematics.

During the division level gifted identification meeting, each referred student’s profile is presented to the committee by
the Gifted Resource Teacher and/or the Directors of Instruction.
Students are assessed utilizing:

  • Gifted Behavior Rating Scale
  • CogAT
  • K-Bit
  • Portfolio
  • interview

After discussion of data, consensus is formed. No one single criterion on the student profile sheet may deny or
guarantee access to gifted service. The eligibility committee looks for a pattern of achievement in ability, task
commitment, and creativity. Student ratings typically fall in the upper extreme in each area of the profile. The
committee questions and discusses all areas of the profile to determine a pattern of achievement.

The committee may

  • find the student eligible,
  • defer a decision until more evidence can be gathered or
  • find the student ineligible

Results of the eligibility process are provided to parents/guardians through a conference and in writing within 90 days
from receipt of permission to test. Parents have a right to appeal the committee’s decision.